Impact at a Glance
Impact at a Glance
during the 2023-2024 fiscal year
The Foundation pledged to distribute almost $9.7 million in the fiscal year 2023-2024. One of the most significant initiatives was confidently increasing research support by more than 30 per cent compared to the previous fiscal year.
17 Years
Over the past 17 years, the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation has provided funding of more than $105+ million to support various community organizations, contributed to post-secondary institutions, and contributed to research and care at the hospital’s medical centres of excellence. Over the past three years, we have been able to distribute an average of $10.5 million annually towards supporting various charitable initiatives and causes.
Thanks to generous support from donors, the Foundation has made a significant and meaningful impact in the lives of those who need it most.
29 Endowment funds 90+ Donor Directed Funds
For Growth in investments market value
A Message From Our Foundation Leadership
A Message From Our Foundation Leadership

From Our Foundation Leadership
Welcome to the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation’s 2023-24 annual report.
This report is an opportunity to review and reflect on the tremendous impact that your philanthropic and charitable support have enabled at the Royal Alexandra Hospital and its medical centres of excellence over the past fiscal year.
With pride and gratitude, we wish to acknowledge the many donors who, through their kind and generous contributions to our foundation, have improved the health of all Albertans across a diversity of areas such as cardiology, urogynecology, cancer care, community programs, innovative research, diagnostics, minimally invasive procedures, new collaborations, and more.
This past year, the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation reached new benchmarks, as we collaborated with donors to solve new challenges and open new doors.
On behalf of our hospital and the advanced care that you have enabled and inspired, the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation and its Board of Directors extend sincere thanks to you, our community of donors.
We hope you enjoy exploring our 2023-24 “Impact in Review” Annual Report and join us in celebrating the many examples of impact within.
Sharlene Rutherford, BPA, MBA
President & CEO
Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation
Dan Lefaivre, FCPA, FCMA, ICD.D
Chair of the Board, 2023-24
Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation
On behalf of our hospital and the advanced care that you have enabled and inspired, the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation and its Board of Directors extend sincere thanks to you, our community of donors.

From Our Foundation Leadership
Welcome to the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation’s 2023-24 annual report.
This report is an opportunity to review and reflect on the tremendous impact that your philanthropic and charitable support have enabled at the Royal Alexandra Hospital and its medical centres of excellence over the past fiscal year.
With pride and gratitude, we wish to acknowledge the many donors who, through their kind and generous contributions to our foundation, have improved the health of all Albertans across a diversity of areas such as cardiology, urogynecology, cancer care, community programs, innovative research, diagnostics, minimally invasive procedures, new collaborations, and more.
This past year, the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation reached new benchmarks, as we collaborated with donors to solve new challenges and open new doors.
On behalf of our hospital and the advanced care that you have enabled and inspired, the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation and its Board of Directors extend sincere thanks to you, our community of donors.
We hope you enjoy exploring our 2023-24 “Impact in Review” Annual Report and join us in celebrating the many examples of impact within.
Sharlene Rutherford, BPA, MBA
President & CEO
Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation
Dan Lefaivre, FCPA, FCMA, ICD.D
Chair of the Board, 2023-24
Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation
On behalf of our Foundation, our Board of Directors, and the hospital we support, please accept our sincere gratitude.

Land Acknowledgement
The Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation respectfully acknowledges that we are on the traditional lands referred to as Treaty 6 Territory, and that the City of Edmonton and all the people here are beneficiaries of this peace and friendship treaty. Treaty 6 encompasses the traditional territories of numerous western Canada First Nations such as the Cree, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Metis, Dene and Nakota Sioux. We acknowledge all the many First Nations, Metis and Inuit people who have called this area home since time immemorial.
The facts and figures outlined in this report represent activity from the Foundation’s 2023-24 fiscal year.
Growth & Giving
The following five revenue categories have been combined and simplified for the sake of ease of understanding and do not necessarily imply operational procedures.
*The percentages shown are rounded up for display purposes.
Community &Corporate Support
Through the generosity of individual donors, corporations, fellow foundations, community partners, and ongoing support from the Lois Hole Hospital Women’s Society, we continue to open new doors and support a variety of new causes and initiatives. We are proud and humbled to have earned support through efforts such as annual programs, monthly giving, direct mail, major gifts and grants, and more.
Investment Income
Through closely managed financial investments and the maintenance of a number of endowed funds established by donors and the Foundation alike, the Foundation is able to grow and earn modest revenues. A significant amount of these investment earnings are reinvested to grow further, or distributed toward specific predefined uses that impact how care is delivered across our centres of excellence.
Lotteries & Events
The Foundation is engaged in charitable gaming via the Full House Lottery, a 30+ year-old dream home lottery marketed to Albertans in partnership with the University Hospital Foundation, and also the WinWin Staff Lottery–which recently celebrated its 10th anniversary–offered to healthcare providers in Alberta and touting participation from over fifty health foundations across the province. Being a beneficiary of a number of third-party events and through recurring online auctions like the Lois Hole Hospital Women’s Society’s Bid & Benefit and signature annual events like Harvest Celebration in support of the Lois Hole Hospital for Women–and of course the many sponsors, ticket and table purchasers, and engaged donors–we are able to provide significant financial support that impacts the hospital.
National Partnerships
The Women’s Health Collective Canada (WHCC) is a national partnership in women’s health, currently consisting of the Alberta Women’s Health Foundation, Women’s College Hospital Foundation in Toronto, and the BC Women’s Health Foundation. This partnership has blazed the trail for Canada-wide campaigns working with corporate partners. From a national scale, these partnerships and campaigns are able to reach a wider network of donors passionate and willing to advance women’s healthcare.
Legacy Giving
Legacy gifts to the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation–whether though gifts in one’s will, gifts of securities, annuities, insurance policies, or otherwise–create a long term pathway of impact toward the donor’s goals and wishes. We are honoured to have been included and declared in the wills and testaments of many generous community members who have decided to tend to tomorrow. We celebrate our legacy givers for their contributions and welcome them to the Royal Willow Society as a token of gratitude and way to connect around long term impact.

during the 2023 | 2024 fiscal year
Medicine Program Inpatients
Surgery Inpatients
Outpatients (Ambulatory Care)
Endoscopy Procedures
Addiction Recovery Community Health (ARCH) Program Consults
Minimally Invasive Surgeries Performed via Da Vinci
Emergency Visits
Trauma Patients
Bridging Gaps: The Royal Alexandra Hospital's Commitment to Community Health
At the Royal Alexandra Hospital (RAH), the journey toward advancements in community health has been marked by significant milestones. Over the past decade, the hospital has championed programs that address the critical needs of resilient populations, allowing for the success of the Addiction Recovery and Community Health (ARCH) initiative to pave the way for new support avenues like the Bridge Healing program.

Distributed Annually toWCHRI FOR RESEARCH
Thanks to the community’s steadfast devotion and significant contributions to a more equitable future for women’s healthcare, the Alberta Women’s Health Foundation (AWHF) has been able to support crucial research into conditions that disproportionately affect women–and is poised to make even more progress.
Awarded Acclaim

Imagine Canada
The Standards Program Trustmark is a mark of Imagine Canada, offering a Canada-wide set of shared standards for charities and nonprofits. Since 2015, the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation has proudly been certified as part of the Standard Program, accredited for excellence and compliance in Board Governance, Financial Accountability and Transparency, Fundraising, Staff Management, and Volunteer Involvement.

Alberta's Top Employers4 Years Running
Alberta’s Top Employers is an annual competition organized by the editors of Canada’s Top 100 Employers, recognizing the Alberta employers that lead their industries in offering exceptional places to work. In a review process that includes thousands of applicants each year, the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation is thrilled to have been selected for four consecutive years as one of Alberta’s Top Employers.

A Message of Thanks from Hospital Leadership
The Royal Alexandra Hospital is truly a special place. It serves an incredible volume of patients and their families every year, and over its long existence has touched countless lives.
As we reflect on the work of the Royal Alex and its centres of excellence, we are constantly inspired by the amazing support our hospital receives from our community, and from donors like you.
From providing advanced equipment, technologies, and tools for our care teams, to supporting critical research, community programs, and new innovations, your contributions are so important toward providing the best care possible. We are also grateful for the amazing care and support shown for our healthcare teams and their wellness, your warmth and compassion mean so much.
On behalf of our entire team, thank you for your support for the Royal Alexandra Hospital and for moving care forward. You have our sincere gratitude.
Janie Clink,
Senior Operating Officer, RAH & SCH
Dr. Colin Peterson, MD, CCFP(EM), FCFP
Facility Medical Director, RAH
Board of Directors
Board ofDirectors
In 10 words or less,
what would you say was the most meaningful impact from the past year?
In 10 words or less, what would you say was the most meaningful impact from the past year?
Sharlene Rutherford, President & CEO
Dr. Rustom Appoo, Director
Dianne Balon, Director
Read MorePaavo Montandon, Director
Alain Moore, Director
Read MoreVictoria Burgess, Director
Read MoreJustin Archer, Director
Read MoreBhupinder Lalh, Director
Read MoreLisa Diamond, Director
Read MoreDr. Colin Peterson & Janie Clink
Dr. Colin Peterson, Hospital Representative
Facility Medical Director, Royal Alexandra Hospital
Janie Clink, Hospital Representative
Senior Operating Officer, Royal Alexandra Hospital & Sturgeon Community Hospital
Dale Sheard, Patron
Mary Jo & The Late William K. Robbins, Patrons
Honourary Patrons
Her Honour the Honourable Salma Lakhani AOE, B.Sc., LLD (hon) & His Honour, Dr. Zaheer Lakhani CM MBChB FRCPC FACP FACC FRCP (London)
A Message From Our Financial Leadership
The Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation Board proudly announces the Audited Financial Statements for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024. This milestone year stands as one of the most successful in our history. These statements highlight our significant accomplishments in fundraising, investment performance, and the substantial funds distributed to the Royal Alexandra Hospital and its centers of excellence, underscoring our dedication to financial transparency and our commitment to our donors.
Throughout the past year, our teams have shown exceptional dedication and adaptability, navigating the shifting landscape of charitable healthcare foundations in Alberta. By continuing to focus on prudent financial management and prioritizing the development of our fundraising capacity, we maintained a robust financial position and overall revenue growth. This remarkable achievement was notwithstanding the reductions in charitable gaming revenue and the uncertainties within investment markets. Our diligent financial management and strict control over operational expenses have resulted in strong financial performance, enabling us to distribute nearly $9.8 million in funds during the fiscal year. These funds have been crucial in addressing priority needs and advancing critical research initiatives.
The steadfast support from our community and donors continues to be our driving force. On behalf of the Foundation and Board of Directors, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to the donors and corporate partners who propel our mission forward. Your invaluable contributions allow the Royal Alexandra Hospital to deliver exceptional care to the hundreds of thousands of patients who rely on it each year.
Thank you for your unwavering support and partnership.
Carlie Persson, CPA, CA, CIA
Chair, Finance Audit and Risk Management Committee for FY 2023-24,
Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation